Online book rental service to read yoga Books

yoga Books online rental service

“Embrace mindfulness and alleviate anxiety by integrating the philosophy of yoga into your daily life with this fun and approach ememozin-an Online Book Rental Library provides yoga books on rent for anyone who needs to restore some balance—even if you can’t touch your toes!
Centre yourself—and your life—on and off the mat with Wit and Wisdom from the Yoga Mat. Everyone can benefit from a little more balance in their lives, and yoga’s blend of mindfulness practices and restorative poses creates the perfect antidote to our increasingly high-stress lives. This inspiring collection of books that ememozin, an online book rental service provider have chosen to help everyone—yogi or newbie— can benefit from it by the physical, mental, and emotional perks of regular yoga practice, without breaking a sweat. Filled with the wit and wisdom of esteemed yogi, this approachable book collection will help clear your mind while brightening your day.”

For my sweet yogi friends who are looking to deepen the practice. Here is a sweet place to start with our online book rental library. Stay curious. Rent the books. Read them. Practice it. And then return them. Make your own opinions and discoveries. There are books with easy and simple-to-do asana to overcome chronic fatigue. The purpose of all these books is to rejuvenate your mind and body with an abundant flow of positive energy at the end of a stressful day. So here is collection of 5 best yoga books for all of you to save your money by renting it online at ememozin-

1. Light On Yoga By B.K.S. Iyengar- This “bible” of yoga was the first yoga book I ever bought and by far I refer to it the most. It is often used during teacher training.
2. Yoga – The Practice of Movement and Stillness by Eric Schiffman- Schiffman makes yoga approachable to those that may be intimidated or novices. He describes his own personal journey, which is uncommon for teachers.
3. Yoga Anatomy By Leslie Kaminoff- For each pose featured, Kaminoff provides information on the joint actions, what parts of the body are working, what is lengthening and what obstacles you may encounter. Sanskrit and English terms are provided along with pronunciations of the Sanskrit.
4. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda- The author of this book is a monk who has devoted his life to God and it shows through his writing. Each sutra is written in Sanskrit, then proper pronunciation, then translated into English and then given commentary by Satchidananda.

5. The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikacher- Son of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who lived to be over 100 years old, was one of the greatest yogis of the modern era, Desikacher speaks from the heart with tenderness as well as an engineer’s careful attention to details and individuality.

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